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presentation of yaoi shojo-girl

Hello there, I hope I'll make here lots of friends that love Yaoi like me !!!

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yaoi shojo-girl's blog

You'll be risking your life | 

От cheshirewickedwonderland - Original post



if you follow the paintbrush with your eyes while not moving your head, it forces you to use emdr which is a therapeutic technique to calm anxiety/panic. watching fish swim causes the same effect.

I don’t have a favorite post on Tumblr, I don’t have things that I ‘always’ reblog.

But this is one thing I love seeing on my dash, I love having it on my blog, it really helps to calm me down and its amazing.

От cheshirewickedwonderland - Original post


Recuerdo cuando en tumblr estaba de moda Pokémon, la Pizza, la Nutella... Ahora todo es Hipster, Mierdas maricas y Lana del Rey...

corrección: Mierdas Hipsters y Mariqueras de Lana del Rey

От cheshirewickedwonderland - Original post


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